Meat & Fish
From tofu to mock meats – there are plenty of meat alternatives and there will be certainly something to suits your taste buds. The real taste of meat is in the flavouring. So, with the right flavoring and searing you can create a perfect mock meat dish. Nowadays, supermarkets stock meat alternatives like ready to make mock-meats, nutrela soya chunks and various hot dogs, kebabs, sausages, etc.
Good Dot
Good Dot is bringing vegetarian meat to India. Using a special technology they turn grain and plant proteins into products that look like meat, taste like meat, and are better for you.

Vegan Hotdogs by Veggie Champ

Minced meat (kheema) could be made with soy granules and peas or a mix of different vegetables like cauliflower, mushroom, peas etc. One search online will get you lots of interesting recipes. Bon appetit! I already discovered that for tofu there are huge differences in both quality and taste depending on the brand and way of preparation. You should absolutely try a couple of them to find the tofu that you enjoy most.

Vegan cutlets are available in the cooling shelf of every well-assorted supermarket, or you can buy them at

Mock Meat

Mock Meat products imported by Sunshine Exim. Find the nearest shop here: A range of mock meat products by Catalyst food:

Brown Soya Chunks by Sunshine Exim. Find the nearest shop here:

Fish fry by Catalyst foods (available in Chennai)

To make your own mock fish at home, follow this recipe.
Pledge to try veg